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Veterinary Medicine Directorate (VMD)

Aiming to protect the health of animals, the public, and the environment, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) is an executive agency of the Department of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs. The VMD works to ensure the quality, efficacy and safety of veterinary medicines, and are responsible for a variety of tasks and research related to veterinary medicine within the UK. The VMD monitors and looks to solve any bad effects reports, as well as tests animals and animal products for illegal substances or veterinary medicines.

The VMD also reviews applications for companies that wish to sell medicines in the UK and the EU, and controls the manufacturing and distribution of veterinary medicines. The VMD also advises the government on veterinary policy and legislation regarding veterinary medicines. In the future the VMD will look to develop and implement the UK antimicrobial resistance strategy, influence, and develop legislation and policy, and be a leader in the UK and the EU regarding antibiotic resistance and veterinary medicine.

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