Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF)
As one of the 33 priorities for action contained in the Strategic Framework for Scottish Aquaculture that was published in March 2003 by the Scottish Executive, the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) was developed to encourage, support and promote aquaculture research and development. SARF supports the framework set out by delivering high quality research. By doing so, Scotland can then develop a more diverse, competitive, economically viable, and sustainable agriculture industry. The research done by SARF typically focuses on industry requirements, regulations and policy development through applied problem-solving.
SARF is made up of 13 members: the Scottish Government, the Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers, Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland, British Trout Association, Marine Science Scotland, the Association of Salmon Fisheries Boards, Highlands and Island Enterprise, the Scottish Environment Link, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, the Crown Estate, the Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation, and the Seafish Industry Authority.