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Redwings Horse Sanctuary

UK's largest horse sanctuary, Redwings provides direct care and housing for more than 1,500 ponies, horses, mules, and donkeys. Redwings has four visitor centres around the UK, in Essex, Norfolk, Warwickshire and Scotland. Members of the National Equine Welfare Council, Redwings answers more than 3,000 calls from the Animal Welfare helpline annually, and has around 100 volunteers investigating cases of neglect and cruelty. Redwings provides a number of services from the company's four sites. At the forefront is animal welfare, in which Redwings works to improve the welfare of all of its animals, and do a number of rescue missions each year.

Redwings also works to rehabilitate all of the animals taken in, including working out any behavioural problems that they might have from their previous environment. The organisation also provides sanctuary care for the majority of animals. Finally, Redwings works to educate the next generation of animal caretakers and share the knowledge that they have gained over the years as the largest horse sanctuary in the UK.

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