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Dryden Aqua

Established in 1980 in Scotland, Dryden Aqua is a marine biological company that specializes in innovative treatment technology and water quality. Dryden Aqua has developed innovative product offerings for a variety of uses, including removal of heavy metals and priority substances, swimming pool water treatment, pre-treatment of RO, removal of THMs in drinking water and tertiary treatment of effluent.

Dryden Aqua has three main product systems. Firstly, Activated Filter Media (AFM) is a product that replaces sand in filtration applications. Dryden Aqua also produces a Zeta Potential Mix (ZPM) which amplifies the flocculation and coagulation reactions for the precipitation and conversion of dissolved components into small particles. The final prominent product sold by Dryden Aqua is Air Diffusers which are fine bubble diffusers. The company's production facility is located in Edinburgh.

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