Clive Ellis
With a degree in forestry and several related certificates, Clive Ellis provides woodland consultancy and management services while operating primarily in South East and Eastern England. Clive Ellis aims to help manage woodlands and also to rejuvenate under-managed or poorly managed woodland to bring them back to regular performance. Clive Ellis focuses on a variety of areas when conducting his management services, including diversity, timber production, self-sufficiency, carbon sequestration and habitat improvement.
The consultancy firm can provide professional support on a range of daily woodland and forest management areas such as planning the woodland and objectives, inventory and species composition, grant funding, contract management, timber sales and tax advice. Clive Ellis can also provide management, consultancy and advisory services in the following key areas of woodland and forest management: economics, inventory, management, silviculture, regeneration, biodiversity, pests, chalara, wood fuel, green timber sales, carbon trading, and tree safety.