- International Co-operative Agricultural Organisation (ICAO)
- 2023 Candidate Employment Outlook — State of the Recruitment Market
- 30 Days to Shine - A Guide to Acing Your New Job
- 8 Virtual Interview Tips for Job Seekers
- 90 Days to Thrive - From New Hire to High Performer
- A-Consult
- AB Vista
- Abbey Fruit
- Abbey Machinery
- Abbeydale Direct
- About Us
- Account Manager
- ACP Concrete
- Advice
- AG Engineering
- Agra-net
- Agriaffaires
- AgriArgo UK Ltd
- Agricultural Biotechnology Council
- Agricultural Career Profiles
- Agricultural Central Trading (ACT)
- Agricultural Engineers Association
- Agricultural Lawyer
- Agricultural Loan Officer
- Agricultural Lobbyist
- Agricultural Supplies Ltd. (ACS)
- Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB)
- Agriculture Advisor
- Agriculture Advisor - career profile
- Agriculture Broadcaster
- Agriculture Journalist
- Agriculture Science Teacher - Secondary
- Agridata
- Agrigame UK Ltd
- Agrimin Ltd
- Agrinexus Ltd
- Agritech
- Agrivert
- Agromachine
- Agronomist
- Agropharm
- Agrovista UK Ltd
- AKC Agriculture
- Albutt
- Allflex
- Alltech
- Alo UK
- Alvan Blanch
- Amazone Ltd
- Ambic
- Analytical Chemist
- Andersons Farm Business Consultants
- Andigestion
- Andrew Symons
- Anglia Farmers
- Anglo Beef
- Animal Biotechnologist
- Animal Comfort
- Animal Feed Formulator
- Animal Geneticist
- Animal Health Manager
- Animal Healthcare
- Animal Nutritionist
- Aquatic Management Services
- Are you considering changing your career?
- Arla Foods
- Artificial Insemination Technician
- AS Communications
- Assessor
- Assistant Sales Manager
- Association of Independent Crop Consultants (AICC)
- Astral Communications & Electronics Ltd
- Astwell Augers
- ATL Agricultural Technology
- ATV City
- B&B Contractors
- B&W Feeds Ltd
- Bailey Trailers
- Balmoral Tanks
- Barenbrug
- Barnard's Agricultural Contractors
- Barrus
- Bayer Crop Science
- BD Supplies
- Becoming A Better Listener Can Lead To Opportunities For Promotion
- Bentall Rowlands
- Berry World
- Berthoud
- Biological Assessment Dossier Scientist
- Biotal
- Biotechnica
- Blade Farming
- Blooming Good Jobs
- Bolshaw
- Bomford-Turner
- Boortmalt
- Boost Your Professional Relationships By Knowing How To Network
- Bosta UK Ltd
- Boston Seeds
- Bovine Genetics
- Bowler Energy
- Bowlts Chartered Surveyors
- Branston
- Briggs Irrigation
- British Institute of Agricultural Consultants (BIAC)
- British Veterinary Association (BVA)
- British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA)
- Brixworth Farming
- Brown & Co
- Bruce Hopkins
- Buglers
- Bunn Fertiliser
- Burden Bros Agriculture Ltd
- Burgon & Ball
- Business Coordinator
- Business Development Manager
- Campden BRI
- Capel Manor College
- CARA Consultants Ltd
- Cefas
- Chandlers Farm Equipment
- Chelford Farm Supplies
- Chemical Science
- Cherry Products
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Operating Officer
- Clients - U.K. Agricultural Businesses
- Clitheroe Agricultural Engineering
- Clive Ellis
- Clovis Lande
- Coed Cymru
- Cogent International UK
- Coles Nurseries
- Collins Farm Machinery
- Collinson
- Commercial Manager
- Compass Tractors
- Contact Us
- Context Bookshop
- Copdock Mill
- Cornwall Farmers
- Cotesi UK
- Cotswold Seeds
- Countryside Live
- Cowcare Systems
- CowManagement Magazine
- Cox Agri
- Crop Adjuster
- Crop Services Limited
- Cropwise
- Cross Agricultural Engineering
- Crowe Livestock
- Crystalyx
- CV Advice
- Cyril Johnston
- D Smyth Mobile Sawmilling
- Dairy Crest
- Dairy Spares
- Dairy Specialist
- Dairy UK
- Dairymac Limited
- Dairymaster
- Dales Agri Sales Agency
- Dallas Keith Ltd
- Dalmark Group
- Dalton Engineering
- David King Electronics
- De Lacy Executive
- De Lacy Executive Recruitment Enrolment Advice
- De Lacy Executive’s approach to finding the right candidate
- De Lacy Sponsor Precision Agriculture Scholarship for Students in the United Kingdom
- Dengie
- Designation Limited
- DJM Agricultural Engineering
- DLF Trifolium Ltd
- Does Your Workplace Have a Negative Employee?
- Doubleday Group
- Dryden Aqua
- Durite
- EC Drummond
- Edward Vinson
- Embryologist
- Emmett
- Employers
- Environmental Compliance Officer
- Environmental Consultant
- Ernest Doe
- Exosect
- Faccenda
- Farm Fencing Ltd
- Farm Manager
- Farm Worker
- Farmacy PLC
- FARMdata
- Farmers Weekly
- Farming Machines
- Farming Production Specialist
- Farmplan
- Farmstar Ltd
- Farne Salmon and Trout
- Farol Limited
- Feed Advisor
- Feed Sales Representative
- Feed Specialist
- Feedlot Manager
- FG Insight
- Field Track
- Fisher German
- Fishery Assessment Officer
- Five Simple Tips to Making Great Job Offers Packages
- Fleming
- Flyte So Fancy
- Food Animal Veterinarian
- Food Scientist
- ForFarmers
- Forum Animal Health
- Fostering Workplace Connection During Employee Leave
- Fram Farmers
- Freshwater Solutions
- Frontier Ag
- Fruit Growers Alliance
- Fruitful Jobs
- Fruitlink
- Fullwood
- G&J Peck Ltd
- Galebreaker Agri
- Gasson Associates
- GateKeeper
- GEA Group
- Gen Z's Work Paradox - Flexibility vs Career Growth
- GeneWatch UK
- George Agar
- Germains Seed Technology
- Germinal Holdings Ltd
- GJL Animal Feeds
- Gleadell Agriculture
- Glee Birmingham
- Gloucester Animal Feeds
- Gofarmer
- Grain Buyer
- Grain Elevator Manager
- Great Business or Great People – Which Comes First?
- Green Cat Renewables
- Green Valley Poultry Supplies
- Greenacres Consultancy
- Greencrop Irrigation
- Greenhouse Manager
- Greens Chartered Surveyors
- GroWell
- GT Bunning & Sons
- Gurney Reeve
- Harper Adams University
- Harrison & Hetherington
- Harrogate Flower Show
- Harry Travis
- Heritage and Sons Ltd.
- Hi Spec Engineering
- Home
- Hotbox International
- Househam Sprayers
- How to become successful in middle management
- How to Implement Digital Accessibility in a Workplace
- How to Offer Support in the Workplace During Tough Times
- Hunter Hall Partnership
- Hy-Line International
- Increment
- Innovation for Agriculture (IfA)
- Institute of Aquaculture
- Insurance Sales Agent
- Interex
- Interview Tips
- Irelands Farm Machinery
- Irish Custom Extruders
- Islay Crab Exports
- J Oddy & Sons
- James Hutton Institute
- JCA Media Group
- JJ Metcalfe and Sons Ltd
- JL Priestley & Co
- Job Search
- Job Seekers
- Jones McGirr
- K-Two Sales
- Kellands
- Kelly Farm Consulting
- Killgerm Chemicals
- King Feeders UK
- Kingshay
- Knight Frank
- Komptech
- Kongskilde
- KRM Ltd
- LA Systems
- Langmead Group
- Laurence Gould
- Lemken UK
- Leslie Brown Agricultural Contractor
- Level the Field
- LH Agro
- Limagrain
- Lister Wilder
- Livestock Buyer
- Livestock Supplies Ltd
- Lloyd Ltd
- Logic
- Logosol
- Maelor Forest Nurseries Ltd
- Maintenance Engineer
- Major Equipment Intl Ltd
- Make The Best of Your People Before Someone Else Does
- Managing Director
- Manor Court Veterinary Centre
- Mark Weatherhead
- Marketing Assistant
- Marketing Executive
- Marketing Specialist
- Martin Lishman
- Mason Kings - John Deere Dealer
- Master Key AI Skills to Thrive in the Agriculture and Agri-Food Industry
- Mastering the Art of Managing Introverted Employees
- MasterJect
- McConnel
- McHale
- McVeigh Parker
- MDS Ltd
- Meadow Foods
- Medina Dairy
- Meet The Team
- Melian Pet Supplies
- Metcalfe Farms
- Mid Kent Growers
- Miles Drainage Ltd
- Mill Manager
- Millrace Nursery and Gardens
- Mole Valley Farmers
- Mona Tractors Co
- Moore Concrete
- Murray Farmcare
- Musgrove Willows
- MX
- National Federation of Young Farmers' Club (NFYFC)
- Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities in the Agricultural Job Market
- Navigating the Hybrid Work Challenge - A Guide for Employees
- NC Engineering
- New Earth Solutions
- New Employers
- New Graduates
- New Job Seekers
- Newsells Park Stud
- Niargri Engineering
- Nickerson
- Nico Orgo Manures
- Nidera
- Nordic Star
- Norton Trailers Limited
- NW Agronomy Limited
- Oakes Bros Ltd
- Oldfield Agricultural Contractors
- Oliver Seeds
- Olympia Horse Show
- Online Turf
- Openfield
- Operations Manager
- Opico
- Orchard Manager
- Origin Fertilisers
- Ovibreed
- Owain Llyr
- Oxford Agricultural Consultants
- P&T Poultry
- Patchwork Technology
- Pöttinger
- Pear Technology
- Pig Advisor
- PJ Jennings & Associates
- Plant Breeder
- Platts Animal Bedding
- Portek Limited
- Portequip
- Poultry Hatchery Manager
- Poultrymad
- PowerWrap
- Precision Agriculture Specialist
- Precision Decisions
- Prime Agriculture LLP
- Privacy Policy
- ProCam
- Produce World
- Product Support Specialist
- Profitable Farming Company Ltd
- Promar International
- Protech Machinery
- Quality Assurance Manager
- Quantil
- Questions to Ask the Interviewer
- Quivogne UK
- R+T Liming
- RBM Agricultural Ltd
- RDS Technology
- Reading Agricultural Consultants
- Reco
- Recruitment Agencies: The Facts
- Redrock Machinery
- Redwings Horse Sanctuary
- Regional Manager
- Remac UK
- Research and Development Manager
- Resources
- Retained Search
- Revesby Estate
- Richard Walker
- Richard Western Ltd
- Risk Revolution
- Ritchie
- Riverford Organic Farms
- Robson Tractors
- Roles Recently Filled
- Rookery Barns
- Rosliston Forestry Centre
- RS Agri
- RTS Ltd
- Rugby Farmers Mart
- Ruminant Advisor
- Rural Payments Agency
- Ryetec
- S&A Group
- Sales Director
- Sales Manager
- Sales Representative: Feed and Animal Health
- Sales Specialist
- Sands Agricultural Machinery
- Scotland Rural College (SRUC)
- Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF)
- Scottish Sea Farms
- Seed Production Technician
- Seed Treatment Lead
- Senova
- Sentry
- Service Manager
- Service Technician
- Sharmans Agricultural
- Shelbourne Reynolds
- Shire Consulting
- Silage Advisory Centre
- Site Manager
- Sixty Seven Cow Ltd
- SmallWoods
- Smiths Gore
- Smiths Sectional
- Soil Essentials
- Soil Fertility Services Ltd
- Somerset Willow Growers
- South Lincs Sawmill
- Southern Harvesters<
- SOYL Precision Farming
- Spaldings
- Spearhead Machinery
- Speciality Produce Limited
- Squeeze Crush
- Standen
- Stewart Trailers
- Stewarts of Tayside
- Stocks AG Ltd
- Store Manager
- Storth Machinery
- Strimech Engineering
- Sum-It Computer Systems
- Supply Chain Manager
- Support Assistant
- Surface Technicians
- Suterra
- Syngenta
- T-T Pumps
- Tanlake Farm & Machinery Ltd
- TCI Solutions
- Teagle Machinery
- Team Sprayers
- Technical Advisor
- Technical Manager
- Terrington Machinery
- The Appointment of Grace Nugent as Managing Director of De Lacy Executive Recruitment
- The Auctioneer
- The British Agricultural and Garden Machinery Association (BAGMA)
- The Carp Society
- The Co-operative Food
- The Crop Protection Association
- The Farm Consultancy Group (FCG)
- The Fish Society
- The Glenside Group
- The National Vegetable Society
- The New Agriculturist
- The Newbury & District Agricultural Society (NDAS)
- The Oldershaw Group
- The Role of Recruiters — Podcast with Inside AgriTurf
- The Royal Bath & West Show
- The Royal Jersey Agricultural & Horticultural Society
- The Russell Group
- Thomas & Fontaine Ltd
- Thompsons Feeding Innovation
- Three Counties Showground
- Tim Dixon
- Tips and Advice
- Tips for Employers to Build Better Connections at Work
- Tips for Your First Week on Your New Job - Your Guide to Success
- Tips to managing a remote team
- Top 10 Tips to Boost Your Work Productivity
- Tree Shop
- Trumpington Farm Company
- Twose
- U.K. Agricultural Businesses
- UK Agriculture
- Understanding Culture Architects and Culture Assassins
- Unlocking Job Success - The Trust Factor
- Vector Powerdrive
- Velcourt
- Veterinary Medicine Directorate (VMD)
- VFM Associates
- Vogelsand Ltd
- Volac
- Votex Hereford Ltd
- Water Powered Technologies
- Weed Scientist
- Welder
- Wessex Grain
- Wessex International
- Westcountry Equine Fair
- Westley Consulting
- What does De Lacy Executive Expect from their clients?
- What is De Lacy Executive Recruitment’s relationship with candidates?
- What Is Frictionless Work?
- White Lies
- Who is De Lacy Executive Recruitment?
- Why Hire De Lacy Executive Recruitment?
- William Reed Business Media
- Willow Withies
- Wilson Agri
- Woldmarsh
- Woodgrow
- Woodland Trust
- Woodmancote Agricultural Contractors
- Wox Agri Services
- Wright Marshall
- Zoologist
Business Sectors
- Agriculture and Farming
- Amenity
- Animal Health
- Aquaculture
- Arable
- Beef/Sheep Farming
- Biotechnology/Life Science
- Bloodstock
- Buildings/Housing
- Crop Equipment/Irrigation
- Crop protection - Chemical/Biological
- Dairy farming
- Dairy Hygiene/Sundries/Equipment
- Environment/Conservation/Ecology
- Equestrian
- Feed and Forage Ruminant - forage, compounds, blends, straights etc
- Feed Supplements/Additives/Milks/Blocks
- Fertiliser
- Food
- Food Supply Chain/Assurance/Sustainability
- Forestry
- Fresh Produce/Vegetables/Salads
- Fruit/Vines
- Game/Country Sports
- Grain Processing/Storage
- Grain/Commodities
- Horticulture
- International
- Livestock Breeding Products/Semen
- Livestock Equipment
- Livestock marketing
- Machinery
- Machinery Spares
- Meat Processing
- Organic
- Packaging
- Pet (Companion Animal)
- Pig Breeding
- Pig Farming
- Pig Feed
- Potatoes/Potato Trading
- Poultry Breeding/Hatchery
- Poultry Broiler
- Poultry feed
- Poultry Layers
- Recycling/waste/compost
- Renewable/Bioenergy/Biomass
- Retail
- Seed
- Veterinary
Job Locations
- GLOBAL Exclu. EU
- UK. Willing to relocate to most UK locations
- Willing to travel nationally
Job Types
- Agronomist (BASIS/HND/Degree)
- Auctioneer
- Branch manager
- Buyer
- Commercial Support
- Consultant/Advisor (Min 3 years experience)
- E-Commerce
- Economist/Banker/Accountant/Analyst/Insurance/Rural Membership
- Engineer - Factory/Project
- Engineer - Service and Maintenance (Machinery and Equipment)
- Farm trader
- Farm/Unit/Forestry/Yard Manager
- Fieldsman
- General Farm/Unit/Forestry Worker
- Geneticist (Plant and/or Animal)
- Grain/Commodities/Forwarder/Desk trader
- Health and Safety Specialist
- Interim Manager
- Land Agent/Surveyor/Estate Manager
- Landscape Architect/Designer
- Logistics/Warehouse/Distribution Manager
- Manufacturing/Facilities/Production Manager
- Marketing Assistant/Support/Research
- Marketing/Events/Communications Manager
- Nutritionist (Commercial nutrition experience necessary or PhD)
- Part Time
- Precision Agriculture/Horticulture Specialist
- Product Developer/Designer
- Product Support/After sales
- Project Manager
- Quality Assurance/Auditor
- R & D Manager
- R & D/Trials Assistant
- Regulatory Affairs/Policy
- Retail Assistant
- Sales
- Sales B2B
- Sales Team Manager
- Secretary/Administrator/HR/Recruitment
- Senior - Non-Executive Director
- Senior Business Manager
- Software/IT Specialist ​
- Supply Chain Manager
- Technical Manager
- Technical Support
- Trainer/Lecturer/Extension Officer
- Veterinary Nurse/Surgeon
- VSO/Charity/International Development
- AW190 - UK Sales Manager - Bovine Genetics
- AW196 - Dairy Specialist: Smart Farming Software - SW Scotland
- AW198 - Estate Dairy Farm Manager – East Anglia
- AW199 - Agri-Tech Sales - Shropshire/Hybrid
- G524 - Sales Manager - East Midlands
- HP073 - Sales Representative – Feed Supplements – South Wales
- HP078 - Ruminant Technical Sales Manager - Midlands
- HP079 - Sales Rep - Feed/Fert/Agri Products – South West Scotland
- HP081 - Area Sales Manager - Feed - North Wales
- HP083 - Account Manager - Worcestershire/ Gloucestershire/ Oxfordshire
- HP084 - Digital Marketing Manager – Cheshire/Hybrid
- JN107 - Commercial Director - Wine Sector: South East England
- JN168 - Service Engineer (Ag Machinery) - South Australia
- JN197 - Commercial Manager (B2B) - Animal Nutrition (Midlands & Southern England)
- JN198 - Managing Director - Diversified Agricultural Market Leader (UK)
- JN199 - Winemaker - Southern England
- JN200 - Recruitment Consultant - Agribusiness (Worcester with hybrid working)
- LH447 - Experienced Agronomists- Opportunities Nationwide
- LH450 - Territory Sales Manager- Crop Nutrition South England
- LH458 - Regional Sales Manager- Northern England
- LH459 - Farm Business Consultant- East Anglia/Lincolnshire
- LH460 - Part-Time Personal Assistant (PA) – Join a Leading Meat Producer in Solihull!
- OD006 - Agronomist - Scotland
- OD007 - Technical Agronomist/ Ag Chem Manager
- OD008 - Successor to Managing Director
- OD009 - UK Sales Manager - Agricultural Products
- RK005 - Logistics Coordinator – Ag-Machinery – Lancashire
- RK006 - Aspiring Bio-Energy Manager
- RK007 - Agri Merchant and Store Manager - Yorkshire
- RK008 - Ruminant Nutritionist – Feed Manufacturer and Agri-Trader - Yorkshire